Tour de Coop Selection CriteriaAre you interested in showcasing your coop on the next McKinney Tour de Coop?
We hope so! We are always looking for coop owners that are passionate about their chickens and coop. While we have a lot of fun on the tour, we also ensure that the coop owners have a clear understanding of what constitutes a healthy and productive environment and expect the coop owners to share such knowledge with Tour attendees. Therefore, to be on the Tour, we require the participating coop owner to be available during the majority of the Tour hours, or have designated individuals who can successfully field spectators' many questions. Although it is not required, many Tour participants have enjoyed visiting coops where the owner provided some level of educational information near the coop (visual tips the beginner hobbyist or spectator can learn from). Please contact us soon to be on the next Tour as we have a limited number of coops that can be included each year! All interested in having a coop on the tour should submit a few photos and description of your set-up and hen breeds along with addess, phone and main contact to [email protected] |
Tour History |
April 2017 will mark the 5th annual Tour de Coop event. This event has grown significantly over these past four years! We credit the Tour's success to the support of the McKinney Historic Neighborhood Association, as well as the many historic downtown McKinney merchants and local small business owners who have monetarily sponsored the event.
Tour Volunteers |
The McKinney's TOUR de COOP is organized entirely by volunteers and chicken coop owners. Approximately 40-50 volunteers are needed to sell Tour de Coop merchandise (t-shirts, totes, and hats), collect monetary donations, and assist coop owners the day of the Tour. Contact us if you would like to volunteer.